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Is there a Link Between Pollution and Hair Loss?


Hair is an integral part of our body. The human body produces a natural protein known as keratin which makes the hair. Hair adds great value to the aesthetic aspect of a person.

The prevalence of hair loss and hair thinning is increasing worldwide. While the reasons are not yet clear, it is established that genetics, hormones, nutrition, and stress play a vital role in the causation of hair fall.

Does pollution cause hair loss?

The short answer is yes, pollution can induce hair fall. Pollution is a massive problem all around the globe. It negatively impacts the environment in many ways. Hair loss is one of the collateral. damage caused by pollution, in addition to other health hazards like respiratory diseases

Environmental factors such as polluted water and polluted air seem to have an impact on the hair. However, the research on this is still blurred. The extent to which the pollutants could cause scalp inflammation and hair loss is still a researched topic.

Pollution can be of many types, but the one that causes hair loss is air pollution. Air pollution is caused by vehicles, factories or fuel droplets in the air. The dust in the air that settles on your scalp could possibly affect your hair's health.

In a recent paper by Hyuk Chul Kwon — from the Future Science Research Centre in the Republic of Korea, it is established that particulate matter from air pollution deposits on the dermal papilla cells of the hair follicle. Apparently, this “particulate matter could be in the form of solid particles or small liquid droplets. While we are aware that inhaling these causes respiratory health hazards, these could also affect the hair structure. The particles from dust and diesel affect the key protein molecules which make the hair. Kwon and colleagues mentioned that protein molecules such as cyclin D1, cyclin E, and CDK2 decreased with increased exposure to pollution.

Similarly, it is stated that the free-radical damage and the oxidative stress simply dull the hair and aggravate hair aging.  There may be a correlation between hair greying and the amount of oxidative stress induced by air pollution.

Still, it is not clear whether we can completely protect our hair from air pollution and water pollution. However, measures like regular cleansing of the hair with mild cleansers will help remove the particulate matter on the hair. If your scalp is inflamed with itching, redness, or frequent dandruff and folliculitis, it is advised to seek a skin specialist opinion.

There are anti-pollution hair shampoos on the market which could be beneficial to prevent hair damage. Intake of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C eases the oxidative stress on the hair and prevents hair aging.