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Poor sleep-poor skin!



Can poor sleep affect the skin integrity? Yes, most commonly it is understood that we need 8 hours of sleep to have healthy psychological and emotional stability. But did you know that sleep deprivation can alter our body’s biological functions, which in- turn can affect our skin?

At the deeper layer of the skin, the collagen gives strength and elasticity, which maintains the skin barrier function.  Few animal studies and human studies have proven that Sleep deprivation (SD) can affect the collagen synthesis, which will affect the integrity of the skin barrier and the elasticity. SD can also activate a signaling pathway in the brain called the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA axis) which will result in increased release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal glands. This increase in cortisol levels will initiate changes in the immune system, which could damage the skin integrity. It could result in various immune-mediated  cutaneous dermatosis such as psoriasis and eczema. Similarly circulating excess cortisol could increase sebum secretion and could aggravate acne.

Another hormone which is largely researched is the Melatonin, which is secreted during the sleep cycle from the Pineal gland.  It has natural anti-oxidant properties and suppresses the UV-induced damage on the skin. Melatonin is largely used in sleep disorders. It can induce melanin synthesis under the skin- that explains the UV protection properties! Thus, sleep is a vital physiological function which affects our skin well being.  A good night’s sleep will maintain the biological processes in maintaining a healthy and younger looking skin.