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What is Frictional Acne or Acne Mechanica?


Frictional acne or “acne mechanica” occurs due to friction on the skin. The friction could occur due to anything rubbing on the skin surface, like a scarf or mask on the face. Similarly, the skin rubbing against any hard surface could also result in inflammation and acne, for example, rubbing of the back skin against the wall.

The pathology behind frictional or mechanica acne involves irritation of the skin pores resulting in an inflammatory response which in turn aggravates the sebum secretion on the skin, causing the break-outs. In addition, the constant rubbing on the skin could clog the skin pores resulting in mechanica acne lesions, which appear as comedowns on the skin. Does that mean avoiding friction in such situations will help control the acne? Removing the friction and rubbing on the skin will help to control the acne recurrence.

In addition to removing the friction on the skin adding molecules to help control the inflammation such as topical and oral antibiotics will also help to reduce the mechanica acne recurrence. DC clinic, which is the best acne treatment clinic in Chennai, follows a systematic approach to help identify the cause of the acne, and mechanica acne marks and blood investigations are suggested when required. At the DC clinic in Chennai, the mechanica acne treatment method involves combining topical and oral medications with dermo-cosmetic skin products and procedural therapies at regular intervals.

The time taken for acne treatment response will depend on factors such as the severity of the acne, skin colour, and compliance with the treatment protocol. The mechanica acne treatment option at the DC clinic Chennai includes topical and oral medications. Topical medications include topical antibiotics, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or retinoids. Similarly, oral medications include oral antibiotics most often and oral retinoids if the mechanica acne is severe. All of the above medications could be combined with a good mechanica acne control face wash, sunscreens, moisturizers, and other dermo-cosmetic products.

Combining the medications for acne with procedures such as chemical peels and lasers will help to manage the acne pigmentation marks or the acne scars. Energy-based devices such as the microneedling-radiofrequency combined with platelet-rich plasma therapy are also options for deep acne scars. It helps with collagen remodelling under the skin and helps to manage scars.

At DC Clinic, you can avail the best acne treatments, where the doctors assess the skin systematically, conduct blood investigations, and provide suitable treatment options for the same.