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Chemical Peel treatment in Chennai

Chemical Peels

Chemical peeling is an exfoliation technique to attain a rejuvenated skin, which is smoother, pigment free and less wrinkled. In addition to application over face, it can be performed anywhere on the body.

How does Chemical peel work?

Chemical peeling is an exfoliant, which removes the superficial layers of the skin resulting in a smooth textured skin.

There are different types of peels available in one or more concentrations such as Glycolic acid peel (20%, 30% and 50%), Salicylic acid peel (30%, 40% and 50%) and Trichloracetic acid peel (10%, 30%, 50%). It is important to note that each peel has a different level of exfoliation on the skin. Hence, at Derme Cure (DC Clinic), we select the peel for the patients depending on the severity of the skin damage.

Which Skin Conditions will respond to chemical peeling?
How Chemical peeling is performed at dermecure?

During the first consultation, the our physician  will assess your skin condition. Following this, you will be commenced on a Priming program for 2 weeks, which will be clearly explained during your consultation.

Priming program will improve your skin texture, which will help in even uptake of the peeling agent. This also provides a long-lasting result following the peel. After 2 weeks of priming program, you will have a Chemical peeling done at the requested site. The choice of peeling agent will depend on the skin problem. We will provide you with the best-suited peeling agent.

What is expected after the peeling?

Following the application of peel, you will have a mild stinging sensation. This is often tolerable. You will notice mild skin reddening on the day of the peel which will gradually fade away as the peeling of the skin begins. The peeling subsides by 5-7 days for superficial peels and 7-14 days for medium depth peels. You will notice a new, smooth and fresh skin from 14th day.

You will be under regular follow up with the dermatologist during this process. The procedure can be repeated every 2-3 weeks for superficial peeling and 1-2 months for deep peeling.

What are the side effects?

Chemical peeling side effects such as dryness, redness, slight swelling, and stinging or burning could be some of the common symptoms. If a patient follows the doctor`s specific instructions strictly during recovery, they will avoid permanent side effects.

What is the post-peel care?
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