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Skin Biopsy treatment in Chennai

Skin Biopsy

Skin biopsy is the procedure of removing a portion of your skin, testing it under a microscope, and removing unnecessary tissues.

Types of Skin Biopsy are Shave Biopsy, Punch Biopsy and Excisional Biopsy.

Shave Biopsy In a shave biopsy, only the top layer of the skin will be removed. A small sample is enough to diagnose.

Punch BiopsyA small core of the skin with some deep layers will be removed using a special circular tool.

Excisional BiopsyA knife (scalpel) is used to remove an entire lump of abnormal skin and some portion of the normal skin.


Each skin biopsy has a different procedure. The process is almost the same but different tools will be used since the size of the skin to be removed is different in each procedure

Shave Biopsy Procedure

The doctor will clean the skin lesion area to be operated.  Medication will be provided to numb the biopsy site. The doctor will remove the skin using a double-edged razor. Only the top layer will be removed. Usually, stitches will not be needed for this procedure. Applying pressure will usually stop the bleeding, if necessary medication will be provided to stop the bleeding.

Punch Biopsy Procedure

Same as shave biopsy the area to be operated on will be cleaned and medicated. A circular tool will be kept on the abnormal skin and rotated to remove the skin. After the removal of the skin if needed stitches will be done to cover up the biopsy site.

Excisional Biopsy Procedure

Like the other two procedures, the biopsy site will be cleaned and medicated. A scalpel will be used to remove an entire lesion of the abnormal skin. The operated area will be stitched by the doctor.

After Biopsy

Wash your hands and the biopsy site as well. It is important to wash the biopsy site. Usually, this is a very safe procedure but it is safe to speak with your doctor to know about some minor side effects. After the treatment, usually, the following conditions occur Bleeding, Scarring, Soreness in the biopsy site and Bruising. The above-mentioned side effects will start healing in a day or two. If the conditions are not healing or if it getting worse contact your doctor.

Reasons for a Skin Biopsy

Skin Biopsy can identify skin cancer and prevent it in an early stage. Consider the treatment, if you are suffering from skin diseases or if you have a suspicious mole.

What We Do at Derme Cure (DC Clinic)

Derme Cure (DC Clinic) offers Skin Biopsy treatment in Chennai to deliver your skin sample to the lab or you can choose to do it yourself. Derme Cure (DC Clinic) team will keep you posted on your future appointments. You will be referred to specialist if required for depending on the biopsy result.

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