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Dermal Fillers Treatment In Chennai


Fillers are wrinkle implants, also known as derma fillers or soft tissue fillers. It is used to fill the wrinkle lines and folds to give a firmer, smoother and younger appearance. At Derme Cure (DC Clinic), fillers are performed by plastic surgeons attached to the team after a thorough facial assessment.

What are the different types of Fillers?

The majority of the fillers treatment are temporary which will gradually be absorbed by the body over 5-9 months. There are permanent fillers as well which will last for many years.

Temporary fillers are FDA approved for correction of moderate to severe wrinkles especially along the nasolabial fold ( Fold near nose), tear trough ( hollow area under the lower-lid), Cheek fill (to increase the volume of the cheeks); Marionette lines ( along the sides of the mouth)

The materials used in injectable wrinkle fillers include:
What is the type of Filler used in Derme Cure (DC Clinic)?

We commonly use Juvederm XC, which comes mixed with lidocaine injection. Hence this is less painful, compared to any other filler in the market.

What happens during the injection?

You will initially be assessed by the dermatologist, for the severity of the folds and the prominence of sagging, especially over cheeks. You will be advised regarding, the areas where fillers would be required.

Filler injections are very simple and less painful as it is mixed with lignocaine. You will have a mild discomfort while injecting, which is often tolerable. You can start seeing the results of the fillers immediately after the injection. You will be free to suggest your opinion on the injections sites and the amount required looking at a mirror. Thus, this avoids any over-injection or under-injection of the fillers.

What are the possible side effects with filler injection?

Most side effects occurs immediately after the injection. But it disappears after few hours. The common side effects are: Bruising, redness, swelling, pain, tenderness. Less commonly, there can be infection at the injection site, open wounds.

Rarely, there can be over-injection or under-injection of fillers on either side of the face. However, this can be rectified with further injections or injection of filler degrading substance called Hyaluronidase

You should NOT have filler injections if you have any of the following:

Are you afraid of the signs of aging? Do wrinkles and sagging skin affect your life? We at Derme Cure (DC Clinic) explain in-depth information on fillers and dermal fillers cost.

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