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MYHTS UNVEILED: Understanding Aesthetic Procedures



Be it factual or fictitious, we all would have had a fair share of advice, when it comes to undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Though aging is a natural process and cannot be prevented, we can delay and defy aging with certain products. However, with emergence of innovative cosmetic techniques, we are bombarded with a wide array of accurate and not so accurate information about the same.  Nevertheless, in few the truth may lie somewhere in between. Thus, consumers are baffled about these specialised techniques.

This article aims to separate the facts from fiction and hopefully inspire you to understand the reality behind cosmetic practice.

Myth 1: You have to be old to experience cosmetic procedures.

 Many have scars, facial lines and blemishes at 20s .So does that mean; they have to put up with it until 40?

Beauty is subjective. If you feel certain changes can enhance your beauty, approach a professional to get an advice on the best-suited procedure to bring that change in you. Remember, there can be no one who does not admire exquisiteness.

Myth 2: Botox is a toxic substance, which deforms facial expression.

Having a youthful look does not mean you have an expressionless face.

Botox is a purified protein derived from bacteria- Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria is now put to use, to relax (NOT PARALYSE)  the muscles which causes the facial lines. The amount required to relax the muscles is very low and is inept to spread to anywhere else in the body. The human lethal dose of Botox is 3000 Units. Less than 100 units of Botox are required during cosmetic procedure, thus providing a wide safety margin.

As we age, our muscles of facial expression leave fine creases and wrinkles. Thus relaxing these muscles for a while with Botox, will remove those lines, smoothen out the facial skin and gives a youthful look. However, this does not mean, we cannot do our normal expressions.  It is only the muscles targeted, which is relaxed.  The other muscles perform normally. Hence, you can still smile, frown and animate with Botox.

It is advised to get this procedure done by a qualified professional, to avoid over-dosage.

Myth 3: Botox and Derma filler are the same.

Botox and fillers do not have anything in common, except that both are used for skin rejuvenation.

Botox as explained before is used to relax the muscle, whereas filler is used to replace the lost substance under the skin.

As we age, the volume under the skin is lost, thus resulting in sagging and sunken appearance.  Filler is the best way to replace the lost volume to revert the fullness and the youthful appearance. There are different types of fillers in the market. Beginners can have a temporary filler (lasts up to 6-9months) initially, to experience the results and if satisfied, can go for a permanent filler.

Myth 4: When Botox and Fillers disappear, you look even worse.

Probably, you will enjoy your appearance with Botox and Fillers and forget how you looked before!

As discussed before, Botox and certain fillers are temporary. Once the effect of these injections wears off, you will look the same as before you had the injections. There is no reason to feel that these procedures can make you look older once it wears off.

Myth 5: Acne scars are permanent and cannot be erased.

Old scars can be much harder to remove.

Earlier, you get the treatment for acne and the scars, better the results. There are various treatment options for acne and acne scars. It is important to understand that, acne scar management requires treatment at regular intervals, to appreciate the results. If you understand how to manage intermittent breakouts, you can even avert scarring.

Myth 6: Most cosmetic procedures are painful.

True sometimes.

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures cause minimal discomfort. Most procedures are done after application of topical anaesthesia, which makes it easily tolerable.

Myth 7: Frequent chemical peeling is not safe.

Chemical peeling is the safest cosmetic procedure for skin rejuvenation.

Chemical peel is a good option for general skin rejuvenation: to erase signs of sun-damage, fine lines, blemishes and age spots. There are three types of peeling agents: Superficial, Moderate and Deep. While superficial and moderate peels are used to treat fine lines and pigmentations, deep peels are useful in management of acne scars and complete skin resurfacing.

Always begin with a low concentration peel, to check how your skin responds before going for a deeper peel, as our skin type is more prone for post-inflammatory pigmentation. Having chemical peels at regular interval will remove the dead skin and gives you a refreshed look.

Myth 8: Chemical peel is a one-time treatment.

Not very fair! Skin damage and aging is a daily process.

While certain deep-peels can improve skin after a single session, most superficial to moderate peels  have to be used at regular intervals for long-lasting results.  In between the peels, it is mandatory to have a good sun-protection and good skin care routine for beneficial results. Never, forget to follow the post-peel advice given by your doctor, to prevent scarring and post-inflammatory pigmentation.


This article has dispelled few of the commonest myths about cosmetic techniques. However, there are still few more myths regarding the efficiency of these procedures. If you aim to get any procedure done, seek advice from a professional who is trained to do these procedures. Before taking up the procedure get all your queries clarified, which should include: a) Pre-procedure analysis of your skin, b) Choosing the best-suited procedure, c) Details of the procedure, including the side effects and d) Post-procedure advice.